Inglese: ho creato un piccolo testo... sapete dirmi se è corretto?
2009-03-24 10:40:25 UTC
si tratta di una presentazione del libro "il cacciatore di aquiloni"... potreste correggermelo? grazie in anticipo.

The Kite Runner

"The kite runner" is a romance written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer, and published in 2003. The story is set in Afghanistan and the events developes from the fall of the monarchy to the rise of Taliban regime.
The protagonists of the story are Amir, a Pashtun boy, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father servant, Ali, that is a Hazara. Amir seams to be very jealous of Amir because his father, that is called Baba(Daddy) in the book, seems to love both the boys but seems more critical with Amir than with Hassan.
One day, Assef, a older violent boy, accuses Amir for socializing with a Hazara, which is, in his opinion, a lower race, and attack Amir, that is bravely defended by Hassan.
During a Kite competition, Hassan, that is also a able kite runner, decides to run the last kite(that was a important trophy) for Amir. But, infortunately, he comes across Assef and his friends that assault him. Amir, scared by this terrible episode, doesn't have the courage to help him. Amir forces Hassan to leave his house, saying to Baba that he's a thief, so Hassan and Alì leave the house.
Some years before, Amir and Baba escape to America. Here, Amir marries Soraya and they soon understand they can't have any child. Baba dies some days after the wedding day.
Fifteen years after the wedding, Rahim Kham, a friend of Baba, asks to Amir to come to Pakistan. Amir learns that Alì is dead and Amir has murdered by the talibans. He also learn that Amir is Baba's son.
Amir returns to Kabul under the guide of Farid to search Sohrab, Hassan's son, thinking he is in an orphanage). After a long search, Amir find the little boy at Assef's house. Amir wants to take revenge on Assef, that, however, cruelly beats him. Amir is saved when Sohrab uses his slingshot to shoot out Assef's left eye, fulfilling the threat his father had made many years before.
Amir tells Sohrab that he wants to adopt him and to take him back to America and promises that he will never be sent to an orphanage again. But Amir break the promise(because of burocratic problems) and Sohrab attempt the suicide.
Finally, Amir takes Sohrab back to America, but the little boy is very frozen with Hassan.
Amir obtains the confidence of Sohrab only when he flies a kite, remembering his past competitions with Hassan.
Tre risposte:
2009-03-24 11:55:06 UTC
Ti scrivo in maiuscolo gli errori che ho notato:

"The kite runner" is a romance written by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer, and published in 2003. The story is set in Afghanistan and the events DEVELOPE from the fall of the monarchy to the rise of Taliban regime.

The protagonists of the story are Amir, a Pashtun boy, and Hassan, the son of Amir's father servant, Ali, WHO is a Hazara. Amir seams to be very jealous of Amir because his father, WHO is called Baba(Daddy) in the book, seems to love both the boys but seems more critical with Amir than with Hassan.

One day, Assef, a older violent boy, accuses Amir TO HAD SOCIALIZED with a Hazara, which is, in his opinion, a lower race, and ATTACKS Amir, WHO is bravely defended by Hassan.

During a Kite competition, Hassan, WHO is also a able kite runner, decides to run the last kite(WHICH was AN important trophy) for Amir. But, infortunately, he comes across Assef and his friends that assault him. Amir, scared by this terrible episode, doesn't have the courage to help him. Amir forces Hassan to leave his house, saying to Baba that he's a thief, so Hassan and Alì leave the house.

Some years before, Amir and Baba escape to America. Here, Amir marries Soraya and they soon understand they can't have any child. Baba dies some days after the wedding day.

Fifteen years after the wedding, Rahim Kham, a friend of Baba, asks to Amir to come to Pakistan. ????Amir learns that Alì is dead and Amir has murdered by the talibans. He also learn that Amir is Baba's son.??? (Questa frase non ha senso. magari hai confuso amir con alì e allora sarebbe: Amir learns thatali is dead and murdred by the talibans, and also that he is the Baba's son. Penso sia più corretto)

Amir returns to Kabul under the guide of Farid to search Sohrab, Hassan's son, thinking he is in an orphanage). After a long search, Amir find the little boy at Assef's house. Amir wants to take revenge on Assef,WHO, however, cruelly beats him. Amir is saved when Sohrab uses his slingshot to shoot out Assef's left eye, fulfilling the threat his father had made many years before.

Amir tells Sohrab that he wants to adopt him and TAKE him back to America and promises that he will never be sent to an orphanage again. But Amir BREAKS the promise(because of burocratic problems) and Sohrab ATTEMPTS the suicide.

Finally, Amir takes Sohrab back to America, but the little boy is very frozen with Hassan.

Amir obtains the confidence of Sohrab only when he flies a kite, remembering his past competitions with Hassan.


Allora, ho notato che l'errore ricorrente che fai è quello di sbagliare i pronomi relativi, probabilmente perchè non hai ancora fatto la regola a scuolaXDD

In parole povere ti spiego:

quando si usano i pronomi non restrittivi, ovvero che aggiungo un'informazione su una frase di solito tra due virgole, non si può usare tha ma si deve usare who/which/whose/where.

Per esempio:

During a Kite competition Hassan, WHO is also a able kite runner, decides to run the last kite.

That invece si usa sono con i pronomi relativi restrittivi, per esmpio:

Mike is the student THAT lives with me.

In questo caso that è strettamente collegato alla frase, e quindi si può usare.

Riguardom agli altri errori, più che altro a volte hai dimenticato la s(quello lo facciamo tutti XDD), e poi alcune frasi mi sono sembrate un pò confusionali, ma non proprio scorrette, infatti non te le ho corrette. L'unica che ti ho corretto è quella di alì e amir.

Il resto è ok, ripassati solo i pronomi!!XDD
2009-03-24 18:31:37 UTC
Amir seams to be very jealous of Amir

il verbo corretto è seems

because his father, that is called Baba(Daddy) in the book

puoi anche togliere that is, è più scorrevole: called Baba in the book.. ;)

and attack Amir

attacks, è 3* persona

Amir has murdered by the talibans

---> has been murdered

He also learn

3* persona, aggiungi una s, un rigo su l'hai messa xD

Amir returns to Kabul under the guide of Farid

non ho mai sentito l'espressione "under the guide" se nn l'hai cercata su vocabolario o traduttore ma l'hai trovata o sentita dire da qualche insegnante, no problem, Altrimenti, metti with the help of, oppure with Farid's help (genitivo sassone)

to search Sohrab

cercare si dice "look for"

Amir find

3 personaaaaaa ---> S

per il resto tutto apposto, bel libro anche se molto crudo, e bel riassunto. Per il futuro, stai attento alla terza persona, gli insegnanti ci tengono

spero di esserti stata d'aiuto! =)
2009-03-24 18:00:29 UTC
Sì è corretto, molto brava, hai creato un bellissimo testo!


Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.