Mi correggete questa lettera in inglese ??(E' già fatta)?
Davide S
2008-06-10 08:37:34 UTC
ps è per l'esame di domani (TERZA MEDIA), vi supplico correggetemela e datemi un voto da 1 a 10 .
ps2 ditemi anke se è buona come lunghezza o se è meglio allungarla.
Vi ringrazio infinitamente !!!!

My family is made up of 4 people : me, my mother, my father and my brother.
My mother's name is Giovanna and she is 49; my father's name is Giuseppe and he is 50 and in the end, my brother's name is Agostino and he is 20.
We live in Aldo Moro avenue and we have got two dogs : Giles and Tommy
I was born in Gemelli's Hospital on January 1994, in Reggio Calabria, Italy.
From ages 0-7 we lived in San Gregorio. I don’t remember much about it because I was very young. The unique thing that I remember is the house because there was a swimming pool in the back garden.
When I was 7 my adult teeth started to grow. I had a great birthday party when I was 7. all of my friends came and brought a lot of presents for me ! I never forgot the cake because there was spiderman on it!
When I was 9 I started scouts. It was frightening at first because I didn’t know anybody, but I soon started to like it. I still go every week!
One day when I was 10 we went on a trip to the mountains. There were lots of us and we had a fantastic time. I cooked sausages on the camp fire and then we all slept in tents.
When I was twelve I started middle school. It was strange to go to a new school. All the students seemed older and the teachers were more strict. But now I am happy here and I especially enjoy learning English. It’s my favourite subject with Science. One day I will be a famous doctor.
My mother is tall about 1,70 and she is thin. Her ayes are green and her hair are blond.
Her personality is more strange because she is moody...she is generous, clever and sensitive. She is housewife and sometimes teacher.
My father is my hero !!!!His ayes are brown and his hair are...ehm...he haven't got hair...He is the nicest person that I know !!! I never forgot when we went to play football or when we went to (pescare).
We never argue. He loves play guitar, travel, and write letters.
He is surveyor.
My brother is a student. He study in Messina political science. He loves the music as my father. We always argue.
He is kind and sensible but he is bored and selfish.
I must say that we are a strange family but we are very happy !
Sei risposte:
2008-06-10 11:43:46 UTC
My family is COMPOSED BY 4 people : my mother, my father, my brother AND ME.

My mother's name is Giovanna and she is 49.SHE is tall about 1,70 and she is thin. Her Eyes are green and her hair are blond.Her personality is more strange because she is moody...she is generous, clever and sensitive.SHE WAS A TEACHER BUT NOW SHE IS A HOUSEWIFE.

My father's name is Giuseppe , he is 50 AND WORKS AS A SURVEYOR. HE is my hero !!!!His Eyes are brown and he haven't got hair.He is the nicest person that I know !!! I'LL never forgot when we went to play football or when we went to FISHING (SE LO METTI AL PASSATO SEMBRA CHE TUO PADRE NON C'è +...METTILO AL SIMPLE PRESENT) . He loves play guitar, travel, and write letters.We never argue.iNSTEAD I ALWAYS ARGUE WITHMY BROTHER. HE'S AGOSTINO AND IS 20 YEARS OLD. HE'S A STUDENT IN MESSINA UNIVERSITY, IN THE FACOLTY OF POLITICAL SCIENCE. HE LOVES LISTENING TO MUSIC AS MY FATHER. He is kind and sensible but he is bored and selfish.I must say that we are a strange family but we are very happy !


I was born (in Gemelli's Hospital) on January 1994, in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

TILL I WAS 7, we lived in San Gregorio. I don’t remember much about it, because I was very young. The ONLY thing that I remember is OUR house because there was a swimming pool in the garden. NOW I LIVE IN..... WE HAVE A BIG HOUSE WITH A BIG GARDEN RICH OF BEAUTIFUL TREES AND COLOURFULL FLOWERS! MY MOTHER LOVES THEM!

(When I was 7 my adult teeth started to grow.NON INTERESSA) I had a great birthday party when I was 7. All of my friends came and brought ME a lot of presents! I'LL never forgot the cake because there was (A)spiderman ( PICTURE)on it!

When I was 9 I BECAME A scout. It was frightening at first because I didn’t know anybody, but I soon started to like it,INFACT I still go TO THEIR MEETING every week!

One day when I was 10 we went on a trip IN the mountains. There were lots of us and we had a fantastic time. I cooked sausages on the camp fire and then ALL OF US slept in tents.

When I was 12 I started middle school. It was strange to go to a new school. All the students seemed older and the teachers were strictER. But now I am happy here and I especially enjoy learning English. It’s my favourite subject TOGETHER with Science.I DREAM T BECOME A FOMOUS DOCTOR. I'D LIKE TO GO TO U.S.A AND WORK IN A BIG HOSPITAL WITH FAMOUS DOCTORS LIKE IN A FILM!

allora... come lunghezza penso che vada bene... te l'ho sistemata un po'... probabile che abbia tralasciato o commesso qualche errore anche se sono abbastanza brava in inglese... mi scuso anticipatamente...

alcuni suggerimenti...domani lavora un po' di fantasia in alcuni punti senza cadere nella banalità (vedi la frase sugli adult teeth che non c'entrava niente). per il resto va bene...però non ho capito una cosa... questo è un "temino" o una lettera? se è una lettera mi raccomando all'intestazione e i saluti iniziali e finali! se è un temino... "MY FAMILY" uhm...forse sei unscito un po' dalla traccia... quidi piuttosto che parlare di te alla fine...riprendi un po' quello che vi piace fare a te e alla tua famiglia..boh..parla di giorni "speciali"...un natale che avete passato insieme, un compleanno di qualcuno... lavora con la fantasia ma non essere ne banale ne esagerato! tanto nessuno potrà mai sapere se è vero o no! per il resto...ti faccio un in bocca al lupo per domani! e non agitarti! tanto sarà una cavolata!


2008-06-10 16:21:20 UTC
My family is made up of 4 people : me, my mother, my father and my brother.

My mother's name is Giovanna and she is 49; my father's name is Giuseppe and he is 50 and at last my brother, his name is Agostino and he is 20.

We live in Aldo Moro avenue and we have got two dogs : Giles and Tommy

I was born in Gemelli's Hospital on January 1994, in Reggio Calabria, Italy.

since i was born till the age of 7 years old we lived in San Gregorio. I don’t remember much about it because I was very young. The only thing I remember is the house because there was a swimming pool in the back garden.

When I was 7 my adult teeth started to grow. I had a great birthday party when I was 7. all of my friends came and brought a lot of presents for me ! I will never forget the cake because there was spiderman on it!

When I was 9 I joined the scouts. It was frightening at first because I didn’t know anybody, but after a while I started to like it . I still go to their meetings every week!

One day when I was 10 we went on a trip to the mountains. There were lots of us and we had a fantastic time. I cooked sausages on the camp fire and then we all slept in tents.

When I was twelve I started middle school. It was strange to go to a new school. All the students seemed older and teachers were more strict. But now I am happy here and I first of all i enjoy learning English. It’s my favourite subject with Science. One day I will be a famous doctor.

My mother is tall about 1,70 and she is thin. Her eyes are green and her hair are blond.

Her personality is weird because she is moody...generally she is clever and sensitive. She is a housewife and sometimes she teach

My father is my hero !!!!His eyes are brown and his hair are...ehm...he has no hair...He is the nicest person I know !!! I will never forget when we went play football or when we went fishing.

We never argue. He loves playing the guitar, travellig, and writing letters.

He is surveyor.

My brother is a student. He studies political science in Messina . He loves music like my father. We always argue.

He is kind and sensible but he is boring and selfish.

I must say that we are a strange family but we are very happy !

beh.. se ti fidi... lasciala cosi come l'ho corretta :) se hai dubbi.. sappi che ho 8 in inglese :)) in bocca al lupo!
Cosimo )O(
2008-06-10 18:37:55 UTC
Confermo che ti hanno risposto benissimo.

L'unico errore che gli e' sfuggito ...

"I was born in the Gemelli Hospital".

Hai fatto un lavoro molto buono ... ci sono pochi errori.

Attento all'ortografia di "eyes"; "hair" e' singolare in inglese.


Ho polliciato la risposta sotto per l'impegno dato.
2008-06-10 17:13:36 UTC
My family is composed by 4 people : my mother, my father, my brother and me.I was born in January 1994, in Reggio Calabria, Italy

My name is ... I was born in January 1994, in Reggio Calabria, Italy. I'm ...tall, I've got ....... eyes and ..... hair.

My mother's name is Giovanna and she is 49; my father's name is Giuseppe and he is 50 and my brother's name is Agostino and he is 20.

We live in Aldo Moro Street (MA IN QUALE PAESE?) and we have got two dogs : Giles and Tommy.

My mother is about 1,70m tall and she is thin. Her eyes are green and her hair is blond. She is a bit moody, but she is generous, clever and sensitive. She is a housewife and sometimes she teaches in a school.

My father is my hero !!!!His eyes are brown and his hair is...ehm...he hasn't got hair...He is the nicest person I know !!! I'll never forget the time I spend with him playing football or fishing.

We never argue. He loves playing guitar, travelling and writing letters.

He is a surveyor.

My brother is a student. He studies political science in Messina. He loves music like my father. We always argue.

He is kind and sensible but he is boring and selfish.

I'd like to tell you something about my childhood:

Till I was 7 we lived in San Gregorio. I don’t remember much about it because I was very young, but I remember our home there because there was a swimming pool in the back garden.

When I was 7 my adult teeth started to grow. I had a great birthday party when I was 7. all of my friends came and brought me a lot of presents ! I'll never forget the cake for my 7th nrithday because there was spiderman on it!

When I was 9 I became a scout. It was frightening at first because I didn’t know anybody, but I soon started to love it and I'm still part of this group: every week we meet and we do a lot of interesting things together.

One day, when I was 10, we went on a trip in the mountains. There was a lot of people and we had a fantastic time. I cooked sausages on the camp fire and then we all slept in tents.

When I was twelve I started middle school. It was strange to go to a new school. All the students seemed older and the teachers were stricter. But now I am happy here and I especially enjoy learning English. It’s my favourite subject together with Science. One day I will be a famous doctor.

Well, I think it's all for now. I look forward to receiving your answer soon. I'd like to know something about you, your family and your hobbies.

Write soon

Love, XX
2008-06-10 20:12:38 UTC
Allora... togli la "s" del genitivo a Gemelli ;)

Poi scrivi occhi si dice eyes, ma forse era un errore di battitura ;)

Poi "her hair are blond" non mi piace molto... io direi "she's got blond hair" :)

pescare si dice "To fish" ;)

Per il resto è un po' arrangiata, ma si vede che hai studiato ;)


moody = lunatica xD

Te lo dico perchè un mio amico si era definito "moody" in un tema ed hanno chiamato la famiglia (ma scuola mia era un caso a parte xD)

Ah: un voto?

A scuola mia avresti preso 8.5 ;) Ma ti ho già detto che scuola mia era un caso a parte... penso che il 9.5/10 tu riesca a prenderlo... scrivi molto meglio di come lo facciano tanti miei attuali compagni (1° liceo) in Italiano xD
2008-06-10 17:24:58 UTC
Ora so tutti i fatti tuoi. Ti verrò a trovare a casa

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.