inglese .....:)?
2008-06-14 12:32:39 UTC
ciao!!!mi potete aiutare a correggiere questo testo che ho tradotto???!!! grazie mille!!

The music has a central role in Joyce’s life.
The theme music is found in two short stories of "Dubliners": "Eveline" and "The Dead" through the epifany, a sudden revelation.

In "Eveline" music has a very important role in protagonist’s existence and in her choices of future life.
Eveline is a young girl who lives with his father and his brothers and his life at home is overwhelming.
Her boyfriend Frank offers an opportunity to change her life, starting with him.
Eveline must to take a decision and thoughts at all moments of her life in the house.
But hearing an organ from the road recalls his mother dying.
She remembers the promise to her mother the cure of the house, the sense of duty toward his father and these are the factors that prevent it from starting with Frank.
The organ’s music makes Eveline suddenly aware of the profound aspects of their nature.

In "the dead" Music begins a long painful process of self-awareness of Gabriel and of the inutility of their lives.
Gabriel is an intellectual and a devoted husband.
He and his wife Gretta decide to go to a party to celebrate the new year.
While back in the hotel room Gretta is intensely upset by a song that is listening.
The song brings Gretta to remember a young boy, Michael, who was in love with her and who died at the age of 17 years.
Gretta is extremely sensitive to this musical expression.
Gabriel sees the revelation of his wife in a new light and understands that love of youth Gretta is a past love, a passion while their love is mature and deep.
But throughout history is accompanied by music such as during the festival conversations and dances are accompanied by different music.

So the function of the epifany through music reveals a condition of the actors did not know who to take.
The music reveals what the players feel, hide up to influence decisions.
Tre risposte:
2008-06-14 13:28:56 UTC
Cerco di aiutarti, ti scrivo in maiuscolo le correzioni

riga 6: HER life at home..

riga 8: must take(senza TO),THINKS no thoughts(sia perchè stai usando verbi al presente, sia perchè in passato non si mette la s della 3 persona),e usa HOME(no house perchè dall'idea di edificio materiale).


riga 11:prevents HER

riga 15: a song that she is listening

riga 21:THE WHOLE HISTORY..cancellerei nella riga successiva"are accompained by different music perchè mi sembra una ripatizione.

Per il resto controlla se esiste l'espressione"in a new light" e magari specifica cosa volevi intendere nella terzultima frase perchè non ho capito..

spero di averti aiutato!
2008-06-14 18:39:24 UTC
E' stato difficile tradurre e cercare di capire cio' che volevi raccontare senza un testo originale, anche' perche' era un po' garbugliato scritto in inglese. Comunque dovresti ripassare la traduzione basato su il testo che ho corretto per quello che ho capito io.

Music has a central role in Joyce’s life. The "music" theme is found in his three short stories: "The Dubliners", "Eveline" and "The Dead" and is used to produce a suddenly revelation or epiphany that changes the way his characters view their world.

In "Eveline", music has a very important role in the protagonist’s existence and particularly in her choices for the future. Eveline is a young girl who lives with her father and brothers and whose home-life is overwhelming. Her boyfriend Frank offers an opportunity for her to change her life starting afresh with him. Eveline must make a decision and starts to reflect on all the moments of her life that she has shared in in the house. Hearing an organ from the road, she recalls her dying mother and remembers the promise she made to her, to take care of the house and her brothers and father. Her sense of duty toward her family and some other factors (quali sono?) prevent her from starting her new life with Frank. The organ’s music makes Eveline suddenly aware of the profound aspects of their nature.(Non so' cio' che vuoi dire qui ????) Hai scritto che con la musica dell'organo Eveline si rendo conto della profondita' della loro natura ???

In "The Dead", music begins a long painful process of self-discovery for Gabriel which enables him to reflects on how pointless life is. Gabriel is an intellectual and a devoted husband. He and his wife Gretta decide to go to a party to celebrate the New Year. Whilst back in the hotel room Gretta is becomes very upset by a song that she is listening to. The song brings Gretta to remember a young boy, Michael, who was in love with her and who died when he was 17. The music allows Gretta to express her extreme sensitivity. The revelation allows Gabriel to see his wife in a different light and he understands that the love of Gretta's youth is a past love and a passion, whilst the love she shares with him is deep and mature. The story throughout is accompanied by music and examples of this can be found in the party conversations and dances. Therefore, the musical epiphany reveals conditions the characters in Joyce's novel were previously not aware of. The music enables the characters to reveal what they feel but it also masks the reasons for their actions.
2008-06-14 13:09:18 UTC

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