mi autereste a correggere questo articolo divertente in inglese?
2009-04-22 11:11:04 UTC
Solo seri interessati per favore.

Devo fare un articolo di 260 parole che verrà pubblicato su un magazine inglese sul perchè si fanno i regali, cioè per convenzioni sociali, o perchè vengono realmente dal cuore.

Imagine the scene. I's your cognata's birthday, yes those cognata you can't bear(quella cognata che proprio nn sopporti), but you have to buy a presents. You start thinking about many presents:"what would she like? I don't want to look scontata at her eyes, but neither surprise her excessively!"
Ok, relax and take 50 seconds to reflect. It's now the time to ask yourself:"Why do I'm giving her a present?"
Maybe because I really want to, or just because of social pressure on me?
Well, I think the second one will best suit this case. In fact, in certain periods such as Christmas, anniversaries or, as in this case birthdays, we feel the need to give some present just in order to suit a social convention, because "everybody do this".
That's why some important festivities such as Christmas loose the real feeling sense of the event.
What makes a good present is first of all the giver and, secondly, the nature of the gift. I believe you'll prefer a gift coming from a person who loves you or who ammire you, rather than a person who you can't bear!
In conclusion, (to sum up) using an arithmetical equation I think that a person who receive a gift sta at the gift as the gift stay at the person who gives it, in the sense that who makes a good present is the person who give it, and not its cvontent.

Aiutatemi, è un lavoro importante. (10 punti, obviously)
Tre risposte:
2009-04-22 11:20:29 UTC
cognata- sister in law

a present opp. presents (senza a)

everybody does ...

Why do I have to give her a present.

that's why ...lose the original sense ....

a person who receives ...(poi la frase che segue poi , sta at the gift as the gift ecc nn fa tanto senso...)

the person who gives it ...
2009-04-22 21:57:24 UTC
Just imagine the scene: it' s your sister-in-law's birthday ! yes, that sister-in law you cannot stand. Still you must buy her a present. You start thinking about many kinds of presents...what would she don' t want to look trite in her eyes...but neither you would like to surprise her excessively.

OK, please, relax ! Take 50 seconds to think about it. it' s due time you start asking yourself why you should ever give her a present.

Is it because you really want to, or rather mere social pressure on you?

My conclusion is that the latter best suits my case. As a matter of fact, there are occasions like Christmas, anniversaries or, as in this case, birthdays, when we feel the need to give some present just in order to comply with a social convention, just because " everybody does it ".

That' s why some important celebrations, such as Christmas, lose ( not loose !) the real meaning one should feel in such an event.

A present is good first of all depending on the donor and subsequently on the nature of the gift. I believe you' d better appreciate a gift coming from a loving heart, from someone who admires you, rather than from a person you cannot stand.

In conclusion, using an equation, I think that the proportion between a gift and the receiver should be much the same as that between the gift and the giver. By this I mean that a present is good depending on the giver and not the other way round (viceversa).
2009-04-23 13:52:06 UTC
Imagine the scene. I's your sister-in-law's birthday, yes that sister-in-law you can't bear, but you have to buy her a presents. You start thinking about many presents:"what would she like? I don't want to look cheap in her eyes, but I don't want to surprise her excessively either!"

Ok, relax and take 50 seconds to think. Now it's time to ask yourself:"Why am I buying her a present?"

Maybe because I really want to, or just because of social pressure on me?

Well, I think the second one would best suit the case. In fact, in certain periods such as Christmas, anniversaries or, as in this case, birthdays, we feel the urge to give some present just in order to suit a social convention, because "everybody does it".

That's why some important festivities such as Christmas loose the real feeling of the event.

What makes a good present is first of all the giver and then the nature of the gift. I believe you'd prefer a gift coming from a person who loves you or who admires you, rather than a person you can't bear!

In conclusion, using an arithmetical equation, I think that a person who receive a gift is to the gift as the gift is to the person who gives it, (forma più sintetica: I think that the receiver is to the gift as the gift is to the giver) meaning that what makes a good present is the person who gives it, and not its content.

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.